Scarfolk est une ville fictive dystopique du Nord de l’Angleterre, créée par l’écrivain et designer Richard Littler, qui se présente parfois comme son maire.
Scarfolk est restée figée dans les années 1970. Scarfolk est une satire non seulement de cette décennie, mais aussi d’événements contemporains. Scarfolk se dévoilait à l’origine à travers un blog prétendant publier des éléments des archives du conseil municipal.
Le blog présente différents aspects de la vie quotidienne, en introduisant les thèmes du totalitarisme, de la vie en banlieue industrielle, de l’occultisme et de la religion, de l’école et de l’enfance, du racisme, du sexisme. Les publications comprenaient des messages de service public, des livres épuisés, des enregistrements et des pochettes de cassettes, des publicités, des extraits de programmes de télévision, des produits ménagers, ainsi que des vidéos et enregistrements audio, dont beaucoup évoquent des marques et une esthétique typique de l’époque.
Les messages de service public contiennent souvent la phrase “For more information please reread” (“Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez relire”).
Welcome to Scarfolk - Wake Up!
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Wake Up!
Welcome to Scarfolk - Babies can kill
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Babies can kill
Welcome to Scarfolk - Are you sure it's your child
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Are you sure it's your child
Welcome to Scarfolk - Pull down old people at birth
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Pull down old people at birth
Welcome to Scarfolk - Whatever you do, don't
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Whatever you do, don't
Welcome to Scarfolk - Eating Children
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Eating Children: Population control and the food crisis
Welcome to Scarfolk - Household Budgeting
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Household Budgeting: Non-essential family members
Welcome to Scarfolk - Flopsy Bunny
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - By the time it reaches flopsy bunny it will be too late
Welcome to Scarfolk - Foreigner Identification Badges
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Foreigner Identification Badges
Welcome to Scarfolk - Is mankind a board game?
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Pastimes of the Gods: Is mankind a board game?
Welcome to Scarfolk - A History of the Greek Economy
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - A Pelican Original: A History of the Greek Economy
Welcome to Scarfolk - Guilt is good for you
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Guilt is good for you
Welcome to Scarfolk - Gynaecology for anxious patients
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Gynaecology for anxious patients - Scarfolk Health Authority
Welcome to Scarfolk - Children and hallucinogens, The Future of Discipline, Penguin Guide
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Children and hallucinogens, The Future of Discipline, Penguin Guide
Welcome to Scarfolk - Mindborstal
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Mindborstal
Welcome to Scarfolk - Mummy and Daddy Go Missing
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Mummy and Daddy Go Missing
Welcome to Scarfolk - 2 in 5 mothers are not present at the birth of their own child
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - 2 in 5 mothers are not present at the birth of their own child
Welcome to Scarfolk - Is your mummy who she says she is?
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Is your mummy who she says she is?
Welcome to Scarfolk - Nature skills: Hunting
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Nature skills: Hunting
Welcome to Scarfolk - Protect and survive and be merry - in the event of a nuclear strike in Christmas
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Protect and survive and be merry - in the event of a nuclear strike in Christmas
Welcome to Scarfolk - Personal Space
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Personal Space
Welcome to Scarfolk -The poor and other invertebrates
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - The poor and other invertebrates
Welcome to Scarfolk - He only wanted to retrieve his toy stegosaurus
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - He only wanted to retrieve his toy stegosaurus
Welcome to Scarfolk - Shame gives you strength
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Shame gives you strength
Welcome to Scarfolk - I-SPY: Extremist newborns
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - I-SPY: Extremist newborns
Welcome to Scarfolk - Never go with strange children
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Never go with strange children
Welcome to Scarfolk - Summer Holiday Diseases Coloring Book
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Summer Holiday Diseases Coloring Book
Welcome to Scarfolk - Surgical Toy Insertions
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Surgical Toy Insertions
Welcome to Scarfolk - There are many people just like you
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - There are many people just like you
Welcome to Scarfolk Social Welfare: A Final Solution
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Social Welfare: A Final Solution
Welcome to Scarfolk - Practical Witchcraft Today
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Practical Witchcraft Today
Welcome to Scarfolk - Women Outside without authorised guardians
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Women Outside without authorised guardians
Welcome to Scarfolk - The Unrepentant Savagery of Working-Class people
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - The Unrepentant Savagery of Working-Class people
Welcome to Scarfolk - Council Christmas Boy
Welcome to Scarfolk, Richard Littler - Council Christmas Boy
Dans les années 80, quand les VHS arrivent au Ghana, des projections de films itinérantes furent organisées dans des cinémas mobiles, vidéo clubs ou chez des commerçants.
Les films étant bien souvent livrés sans les affiches originales, la promotion en était alors assurée par des artistes locaux à l’imagination débridée.